I searched for Bad, I got worst!
I searched for Good, I got Best!
Once I went for bad people around me… I got many.
Then I looked for people who love me... Many were there.
I tested you to see how bad, how weak you are... You were ridiculous.
But when I looked for your good qualities, powers... You
were awesome.
I counted the problems I faced… I was the most unlucky
person ever.
I am alive, blessed, loved… I am the luckiest person in the
When I thought “What about me?” , I was miserable.
But when I started to think “What about you?” … I got The Eternal Smile.
Search for weakness, It’ll take you to death.
Believe in strength, You’ll become the best.
You make the choice, not the fate.
Go and get yourself… It’s never late…