Saturday, December 1, 2012

Today's Experience : 1st Dec, 2012

                     This was evening of Saturday when I got bored of juggling with my laptop for last 5-6 hours. It was time to meditate and I needed it too, but I didn’t feel like meditating. So, I left the room and went outside on the road in front of hostel. Started walking, looking & listening to every direction of surroundings. Suddenly a feeling came into me that every particle of this creation belongs to me & I belong to them. I was feeling one with the creation. It was so powerful that a feeling of love for every particle, either it is living or non-living arose into me & slowly and unknowingly The I (Ego) started vanishing. A smile came onto my face. It was feeling like a deep Samadhi. And my mind came into a deep state of peace and bliss. No doubt, I was experiencing an open eyes meditation along with meditation in motion for the first time. I couldn’t go back to hostel. I have fallen in love with the nature. I was not feeling like speaking or singing even. I just wanted to be with that state of consciousness. I wished may this evening never end & I can spend whole my life walking like this. Before this, for a long span of time (couple of weeks), I was feeling very restless. Even in meditation I used to feel restless and lost in useless thoughts. And now, I got, rather I should say I was given an experience which was beyond imagination that I can’t tell you in any combination of these 26 alphabets. Naval tells me to have nature walk whenever we talk about spirituality, but I never felt this much of importance of nature walk. But now, I’m feeling wonderful. I am feeling very grateful to My Master for this wonderful experience.

In LOVE, The ego dissolves, love rises, desires stop, thoughts go for holiday, connection strengthens & person step to a higher state.

1 comment:

  1. :) ,its all the love of master that blossoms with so many colors and experiences . this is the moment.
