Tuesday, December 30, 2014

प्रेम , विवेक और शाकाहार

इस जीवन को सुखपूर्वक जीने के लिए प्रेम ही एक साधन है. यह हम सभी मानते हैं. पति-पत्नी, माँ-बेटे, भाई-भाई से लेकर हर एक व्यक्ति, जो प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रयक्ष रूप से हमारे जीवन का एक हिस्सा है, उस से प्रेम होना आवश्यक है. कहते हैं कि नफरत भी प्रेम से ही जन्म लेती है. आप एक बार ध्यान से सोचें तो लगेगा कि, आप आज नफरत उन्ही लोगो से ज्यादा करते हैं, जिनसे कभी प्रेम हुआ करता था. यह भ्रम है कि प्रेम समाप्त हो चुका है. अगर नफरत है, तो वह और कुछ नहीं, प्रेम का एक बिगड़ा हुआ रूप है.

मैंने इस विषय को थोडा और जानने की कोशिश कि तो पाया कि, प्रेम कोई भावना(Feeling) नहीं, यह हमारा अस्तित्व है. जैसे कोई वस्तु अणु-परमाणुओं से मिलकर बनी होती है, वैसे ही हम प्रेम से बने हैं. यदि मन में से सभी विकार निकाल दिए जाएँ तो जो रह जाता है वो प्रेम है.

जब कभी कोई आपको प्रेम करता है, तो अच्छा लगता है. आनंद कि अनुभूति होती है. तो क्यूँ न इस आनंद के सर्वोच्च स्तर तक जाया जाए? ऐसी स्थिति कि कल्पना करो जब आप सभी लोगों, प्राणियों, वस्तुओं के साथ प्रेम का अनुभव करें. उस समय कितने आनंद में होंगे आप, यह सोच के देखें.
बच्चे प्रेम से भरे होते हैं, इसलिए वो निर्जीव को भी सजीव कि तरह देखते हैं. जैसे चाँद को “चंदा-मामा” कहते हैं. पर जहां प्रेम कि कमी हो जाती है तब हम सजीव को भी वस्तु मान लेते हैं.

यूँ तो इंसान के पास भी मांस काटने के चार दांत होते हैं. पाचन तंत्र मांस को पचा भी लेता है. पर ज़रूरी तो नहीं कि मांस खाया ही जाए. इन्सान के पास विवेक होता है, जिस से वो जान सकता है कि क्या सही है और क्या गलत. यूँ तो ईश्वर ने हमें गाली देने का सामर्थ्य भी दिया है, पर हम उसे असभ्य मानते हैं. हम अपने विवेक से विचार करते हैं कि यह गलत है.

क्या आप अपने पालतू ख़रगोश, चिड़िया (जिस से आप बहुत प्रेम करते हैं) को खा पाएंगे? नहीं. क्यूंकि आप उसके साथ अपनापन महसूस करते हैं. तो सिर्फ कुछ के साथ क्यूँ? सारी श्रृष्टि के साथ अपनापन महसूस करो. एक हो जाओ.

एक चिकन-शॉप के पास से गुजरते हुए मैंने एक आवाज़ सुनी. ध्यान दिया तो वो आवाज़ दुकान में रखे एक ड्रम में से मुर्गे के फर्फड़ाने कि आवाज़ थी. जिसमें मुर्गे को काटने से पहले बंद किया जाता था. हो सकता है उसकी खाल को उतारने कि लिए उबलते पानी में डाला गया हो. मैं वहाँ से तुरंत निकल गया, पर वो दृश्य मेरे सामने कई देर तक घूमता रहा. अगर आप भी नॉन-वेज़ खाते हैं तो हर शहर में होने वाली बकरों/मुर्गों/मछलियों कि हत्या में आपका भी योगदान है.
लोग कहते हैं कि फिर तो हमें फल-सब्जियां भी नहीं खानी चाहिए. उनमें भी प्राण होते हैं.
हाँ उनमें प्राण होते हैं. परन्तु, प्रकृति ने उन्हें हमारे लिए बनाया है. पेड़ से लटक रहे पके हुए फल कुछ देर बाद अपने आप झड जाते हैं. जैसे गाय का दूध न निकाला जाए तो अपने आप बहने लगता है. प्रकृति स्वयं हमें समर्पित कर देती है.

·         मांस पचने में 36 से 72 घंटे लेता है जबकि शाकाहार 12 से 24 घंटे लेता है. मतलब मांसाहार शरीर को ज्यादा ताकत देता है, यह मिथ्या है.
·         नवजात बच्चों को हर 2-3 घंटे में कुछ खिलाया जाता है. पर सोचिये, जब वोह 10-12 साल के हो जाते हैं तब से उन्हें हम मांस खिलाना शुरू कर देते हैं. वो पचने में कितना समय लेता होगा.
·         इससे जीवन में सात्विकता कम होकर, राजसिक और तामसिक वातावरण बन न शुरू होता है. जो विशेषकर बच्चों के मानसिक विकास में बाधा है.
·         कहते हैं खाना बनाने वाले कि मानसिकता का प्रभाव खाने वाले पर भी पड़ता है, तो क्या जिस जीव को मारा जाता है उसके डर, गुस्से आदि भावनाओं का प्रभाव नहीं पड़ेगा.
·         मछलियों को पैदा करने और पकड़ने के लिए समुद्री पौधों को नष्ट किया जाता है जो सर्वाधिक मात्र में ऑक्सीजन पैदा करते हैं. यह तथ्य है कि, ग्लोबल-वार्मिंग का कारण वाहनों, कारखानों से निकले धूंए से ज्यादा मांसाहार है.

·         यह तथ्य है कि यदि सिर्फ 10% अमेरिकन लोग भी मांसाहार छोड़ दें तो संसार में कोई भूख से नहीं मरेगा.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Jab We Met

I think it was 7th of Oct. I was feeling very frustrated and lonely in my office. Suddenly, I remembered a message on Art of Living WhatsApp group about Guruji coming to Delhi at 3:45PM which I ignored because it was my office time.

So I decided to leave a little early from office and see him because I was feeling very restless and only Guruji can handle this, I knew. I spoke to my PM and left at 3:15 from office.

I was very frustrated that I decided not to leave without talking to him personally and spending a time with him. But as usual, he breaks all the concepts, same thing happened. It was a wonderful experience. He was in front of me, guiding us a meditation. I felt, GOD is sitting in front of me and I am very lucky to have this moment. Suddenly, all my feverishness and restlessness calmed down. I realized how stupid I was, longing for verbal interaction when he is with me all the time.

After some time, he went inside the house and I came back to Gurgaon with a very much contentment and intoxication.

That was 7th Oct. Yesterday was 16th Oct and I was in a satsang. I realized a wonderful fact during the satsang which I cannot explain in words, exactly. But if I try to format it into words then I would say, I am very lucky that I have got a living Guru in my life. God knows, how much life times I would have spent just like that (just eating and sleeping). In this life, I can see him with human eyes, hug him, listen to him, serve him, sing for him and do all the crazy things. I hugged his photo, closed my eyes. It was very relaxing and meditative.

I was in very nice mood. So, I had a wonderful dream this night. I met Guruji in my dream, I spent a lot of time with Guruji in the dream. He fulfilled my wish of meeting him personally. He was with me, playing, celebrating, gossiping, talking, walking, just like normal friends. I was very excited. The strange thing is he was also excited like me.

During these happy moments, a funny thing happened. I was trying to take a selfie with him. Both of us smiled. Clicked. But it was an unsuccessful try. I tried again, we smiled again, I clicked again, but it didn’t work. We repeated this 6-7 times. He was as excited as I was, every time we tried to take picture. But every time, it was a failure.

Finally I came to know the reason that my cell’s front camera mode was on but we were trying to click from rear one (As it had flash). So it clicked everything, which was in front but us. Though it was a dream, but it seemed very real even after I woke up today morning.

He is what I am (what you are). Divine is what we are searching for in everyone, everything. Surely, divine is the ultimate soul-mate. :)

Jai Gurudev. :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Oh God! Don't let him!

"प्रीत जो लागी घुल गयी, पीठ गयी मन माही
रोम - रोम पियू - पियू कहे मुख की सिरधा नाही"

"Means I have been dissolved in his love so much that I feel totally "अशक्त", 
when he is close to me. Every cell of my body is taking his name again and again,
but my mouth does not have power to speak anything."

If this happens with you in front of your beloved, its very normal.
When your vision gets blurred watching his face without even a blink, 
when all thoughts are miles away and you are in a state of thoughtlessness, 
when comfort/discomfort doesn't matter, 
when ears do not hear anything even in chaos.

That was the moment...

When I was waiting, to meet the person I everyday long for.
My body suddenly got so tired that I started worrying about how will I welcome him if he comes to me?
I can not even stand on my legs, how will I welcome him?
My spine is frozen, how will I bow down to him?
I cannot move my hands, how will I touch his feet?
I did not bring any flowers/gift for him, what will I offer?
I cannot utter even a word from my mouth, how will I ask him if he feels the same?
Oh God! Don't let him! Don't let him!

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Satsangs and Random (Unplugged) Recordings (with Naval)

These are some of the random memories recorded. These were the priceless moments when everyone sang with hearts full of devotion. When Naval - The Rockstar of AOL-NITH ,  graced us with his divine presence and voice. I hope you are gonna remind all those moments while listening to these recordings. I wish we can get together again and sing for The Eternal.

1) Sukh ke Sab Sathi 

This Recording is from one of the satsangs we were having in the under-construction building (New ECE Deptt).

2) Lag Ja Gale - Naval

This one is one recorded in Apoorva Sir's room in the last days of my college life. When me, Apoo Sir, Naval, Nitin, Manoj and Yogesh were celebrating the moments.

3) Maine Dil Se Kaha - Jasraj and Naval

 This one is a random one, sung by me during gossips @ Naval's.

4) Nandlala 

Again. This Recording is from one of the satsangs we were having in the under-construction building (New ECE Deptt).

5)  Piya Ghar Aayenge

I think this one was recorded in one of the satsangs in Hamirpur Kala Kutir.

 6) Shankaray

Again. This Recording is from one of the satsangs we were having in the under-construction building (New ECE Deptt). 

7) Chookar Mere Mann Ko - Naval & Jasraj

This one is one recorded in Apoorva Sir's room in the last days of my college life. When me, Apoo Sir, Naval, Nitin, Manoj and Yogesh were celebrating the moments.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Drunk with The Permanent WINE

Once it happened that Mulla Nasruddin was walking along with his wife, absolutely drunk. She had found him lying in the street and was bringing him home. Of course, as usual, she was arguing, and winning all the arguments, because she was alone. Mulla Nasrud-din was not there; he was simply coming along with her.
Then suddenly she saw a mad bull approaching. There was no time to warn Nasruddin, so she jumped into a bush. The bull came up and spun Nasruddin almost fifty feet in the air. He fell into a ditch, and as he crawled out of it he looked at his wife and said, "If you do this to me again, I shall really lose my temper. This is too much!"

Ordinary wine gives so much power when one is drunk, what about Tao, what about the absolute drunkenness?
What about Krishna or Buddha, the greatest drunkards -- so drunk with the divine that not even a trace of the ego is left? You cannot hurt them because they are not there, you cannot insult them because there is no one who will resist the insult and create a wound. Your insult will pass through them, as if passing through an empty house. Their boats are empty. A breeze comes in and passes with no barrier. When the breeze has gone the house is not even aware that the breeze has been there.

The appeal of wine is really because you are so egoistic. You are too burdened by it and sometimes you want to forget all chaos created in the world. So the world will have to follow alcohol or Tao -- these are the alternatives. Only a religious man (one who believes in a Super-Power), can be beyond alcohol, marijuana, LSD -- any type of drug. 

Otherwise how can you be beyond them? The worldly burden is too much, it is  constantly on your head. You have to forget yourselves.
But if wine can do so much, you cannot conceive of what the divine wine can do.
What is the wine doing? For certain moments, through chemical changes in the brain, in the body, you forget yourself.

  But this is momentary. 

Deep down you are there, and after a few hours the chemical effect disappears, your body has thrown the wine out and the ego asserts itself again.

But there is a wine which gives permanent intoxication, I tell you -- 

LOVE is that wine.
Once you taste it, the ego is gone forever. Nobody ever comes back from that drunkenness.

That is why Sufis always talk of wine, Sufis always talk of women. Their woman is not the woman you know -- God is the woman. And their wine is not the wine that you know -- God is the wine. Omar Khayyam has been misunderstood, tremendously misunderstood; because of Fitzgerald he has been misunderstood all over the world. Omar Khayyam's Rubaiyat appears to be written in praise of wine and women, but it is not at all. Omar Khayyam is a Sufi, a mystic. He talks of the wine which comes through Tao; he talks of the wine in which you are lost forever and forever. This intoxicant, this divine intoxicant, is not temporary, it is non-temporal, not momentary -- it is eternal (Undying).

A person intoxicated with LOVE is a thousand times more drunk than a person intoxicated with alcohol.

And Sufis tak of God as the woman. That embrace is eternal, it is ultimate; then there is no separation. If you can understand this then you are intelligent, but not through your strategies, cunningness, arithmetic, your logic.If you can, look deep into existence. From where have you come? Where are you going? With whom are you fighting, and why? These same moments that you lose in fighting can become ecstatic.

- Copied from Divine Drunks

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Karaoke Songs by Jasraj

It's a little effort by me.
Here are some songs which I have recorded with karaoke (Instrumental).
Because these were recorded with my Laptop's mic, so quality is not up to the mark. You can use earplugs to get a better sound.

Old Recordings...

Lag Ja Gale - Re-Recorded

Paani Da Rang - Vicky Doner

Yeh Jo Mohabbat Hai

Heer - Jab Tak Hai Jaan

Latest Recordings...