Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Love - An Infinite Search

"I love you."
"Oh! I wanna keep looking at you."
"You are very loving. I wanna talk to you once."
"Oh! I wanna keep talking to you."
"I wanna be with you forever."
"I wanna hug you."
"Just a hug is not enough. I wanna get merged into you."

But how?

Physical bodies can’t get merged into each other. It’s matter (Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space). Even having sex with each-other doesn’t work. Heart keeps on longing to get closer and closer and tries to express more and more. Love longs to come closer and closer until lovers get dissolved into each other.

But how?

Longing also brings pain with it, unbearable pain. Where does this pain come from? What can stop this pain? If bodies cannot be merged, can merging of souls stop this pain?

Wait! Does the sentence “Merging of souls” make any sense?

Is it true OR just an illusion?

Coming close only makes sense when there are two. It doesn’t make any sense for the Atma (Soul), because it is one (absolute). There are no two. Coming close makes sense only for relative things (for this illusory world), not for the absolute (Brahman/Atma/God).

Anyways! Let’s give it a chance and think of dissolving of souls into each other. Suppose that it is possible. But, the self (soul) of everyone is the same. When I am also the same what he/she is, then why I’m craving to get close to him/her?

Also, when the self in everyone is the same, then why did I fall into love with this particular person? I would have fallen in love with a person of my gender or I would have fallen in love with a person who looks uglier than the person I am in love with. Is it lust (be it in a negligible amount) which makes me fall for any particular person/qualities? Lust here doesn’t refer to sexual desires only. It can be about money, fame, and other needs or may be some unique qualities of the person you love. What if it is not love but very intense attachment? Be it emotional or physical, but very strong attachment that you start using terms like “soul-mate” for them.

Can owning the person physically, emotionally stop the pain and this longing for love?


Know that, you are not longing for a person or a thing. You are longing for love/contentment. Rather I should say unconditional, infinite love and uninterrupted contentment. Only few people can understand this. We seek for infinite love and contentment. When we see an expression of the same in some person or thing, we think that owning the person or thing will fulfill my desire. This illusion covers our mind that that person is love. Know that, it is not the person/thing. It is divine showing a glimpse of itself in that person. It is not about getting the person. It is about neutralizing the seeking for love/contentment. Will you long for that person without his/her soul? NO. You won't love his/her dead body, because you know the body is not that person I loved.

There is a very interesting, short and sweet story.

In the middle of the night, Jasraj was searching for something under a street-light. When asked for what he was searching, he replied: “I’m searching for my keys”.
Where have you lost them?
Inside the house” Jasraj replied.
Then, why are you searching for them here outside?
Because it’s light out here.”

We all do this same stupidity almost every time. Don’t we? Sometimes, to be more stupid, we leave old street-light blaming it for being cruel and start searching for keys under another street-light. I am not saying not to go under street-light. Go. Enjoy. But, don’t search for keys there. Search for the keys inside the house. Search for LOVE and Contentment within yourself. That is the best way to stay happy forever. Then you start feeling full of love and joy.

I don’t deny the concept of soul-mate either. There can be very strong connection of you and someone else. But your ultimate soul-mate is YOU/God/Love. You are an ocean full of water. Why to search for it anywhere outside. Look inside. You have all that you want.

Observe your feelings, seeks, emotions, wants. Think of the origin of those feelings. Spend time with them. Whenever a feeling of love pops-up in us, we go and express it out. The moment you express it, the feeling gets neutralized. It’s gone.

Hang on! Wait.

Be with that feeling. Do not express it for some time. Spend time with it. Understand it. Find the origin of the feeling. Observe how it gets changed when you express it. Do more and more experiments on it. I tell you, this is very interesting journey, endless like universe.

Experiences you get in this journey will make your life full of Love and Joy. You start feeling love with every particle of the creation. You stop seeking for love then, you start giving it.

When you love someone unconditionally. When there are no expectations of getting anything in return, “I” in you start dissolving. Ego dies. That’s why it pains. Bear this pain. It is for a very short time span.

The life after crossing this river of pain is very joyful and colourful.

A sufi writer Zahin writes:

“Seekh Zahin ke dil se jalna, Kaahe ko har Shamma pe jalna.
Apni aag mein khud jal jaaye, Tu aisa Parwana ban ja.”
(Learn, Zaheen (the intelligent one) to burn from the heart. Why burn for every flame?
Instead, become the moth that burns in its own fire.)